Shiawase ni narou.

The writer loves to circumnavigate the world alone. He loves going to out-of-the-way places and see extraordinary sceneries. He always brings his camera and its charger. He loves towers, bridges, trees and animals, Oh, he hates animals that can kill. He is a social animal. He loves speaking to people. He loves meeting cultures and traditions.

He is a self-confessed anthropologist and socio-political communicator. He dreams of having an overnight stay at Angkor Wat in Cambodia. He was born in Brunei Darussalam but never learned how to speak Malay. He is currently studying Nihonggo through his brother’s old modules.

He has two important blog sites, a private Facebook account and a semi-private Twitter account. He is a proud alumnus of the Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila (PLM) College of Mass Communication. He has a bunch of friends and he writes them in his notebook. He loves books, coffee and yogurt. He buys three notebooks a week with no purpose.

He was a sports writer for a national newspaper. He also contributes his stories to another national newspaper and hoping to be the editor-in-chief of his own newspaper. He is now working as a web writer in a web development and 3D animation company but he prefers to be called a digital media journalist. It sounds better.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Confession of a Boringly Studious Senior

I am very glad that despite all the circumstances I have experienced as a senior, including my illnesses, sudden feeling of leaving school and other Devil May Cry influences, I was able to finish all the stuff necessary to finally step onto the stage and receive my most-awaited diploma. I wasn’t really decided to take Mass Communication. I was supposed to take Political Science in a Catholic university but my mom told me to take nursing in PLM, monetary reasons indeed. But I think life has been too playful to me. Instead of taking nursing, I illegally wrote ‘Mass Comm’ on my course sheet. Yes, it was illegal. Anything done without my mom’s consent is considered forbidden by our family’s laws. She really got mad at me – didn’t talk to me for a week. She said I couldn’t find a high-paying job with my course. Well, I understood her. She just wanted me to have a comfortable life after my college graduation. But with my passion for writing and communicating with different people, I know Mass Comm is really the right course for me. Oooops, mathematics was also a big, big factor. But on this entry, I’m not going to talk about my achievements. It would be all about my real identity, a happy-go-lucky lakwatsa-obsessed student. Being a nerdy and geek guy is just my alter ego.

• I whispered to my classmate in my Chemistry class that I didn’t have to study the subject because that would be useless in Mass Comm. The bad thing was my professor heard it and responded with a sharp look. And that’s it. I received the lowest grade I have ever had. But he’s the best science professor I met. Really.

• My Physics professor caught me drawing animé characters on my book while having class discussion.
• My block during my first year in PLM cheated in our Ethics final exam. Guess what, I joined them. And we were caught.
• I orally refused to be the class president during our sophomore orientation in CMC. I hated extra responsibilities.
• I copied when I took my Logic final examination. I even got a higher grade than the source of my answers.
• When I got sick, I left my responsibility of being the MCSL president and turned it over to my fellow officers.
• I was doing all my written assignments two hours before the class. Cramming is my virtue.
• I was playing online games outside PLM instead of reading my notes.
• I was hopping around in malls even though it’s our finals week.
• I was spending more on ‘lakwatsa’ than on my school projects.
• I was more focused on completing my Starbucks stickers than finalizing the chapter 4 of our thesis.
• I slept at the hallway of our Radio Lab instead of attending Umagang Kay Ganda’s live airing. The professors knew about it. I was scolded.
• I lost my footing and slid unintentionally for a short distance at the canteen while holding a cup of coffee. Just imagine what happened next.
• I had my most embarrassing ‘break dance’ in front of my classmates during my Theater class.

I just laugh whenever I remember all those childish, embarrassing and remarkable experiences. But I’m no longer a student now. I’ll be facing the real world and those acts will not be acceptable anymore. Well, I deeply apologize to my neighbors, classmates and friends for bringing harm to your lives. For telling your secrets to others, for promising of meeting you somewhere but cancelled it on the last minute, for eating in your homes without prior notice, for being playful and hurtful even your faces have reddened already, for putting used tissue paper in Vina’s mouth while she was nagging me. I’m not a perfect person. Sometimes, I get overwhelmed by the situations but I know my limitations. I’m not a bad person. I’m just fond of amusement. Peace, buddies. ^.^

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